Valerie Notter de Rabanal was born and raised in Switzerland. She spent two years of study in Barcelona and has traveled extensively in Latin America.
She has a BA in Industrial Product Design from the University of Arts and Design (ECAL) in Lausanne and a Masters in Integrative Design from FHNW Academy of Art and Design (HGK) in Basel. She has worked in furniture design and scenography as an independent designer as well as in research projects for the HGK Masterstudio’s applied research in light design and in social design projects in rural areas.
Originally trained as a teacher she has always found ways to combine design with teaching. Today she is head of studies of the new HF Product Design program at Höhere Fachschule für Gestaltung in Bern. As a member of the board of the Swiss Design Association, she is in charge of the Bachelor Awards programme.
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