• Prize
    Winner in Conceptual Designs
  • Designer
    Demetra Jarc, Katja Kobal, Eva Šintler, Pija Velkovrh, Nina Vidmajer, Žiga Flajnik
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Menthors assist. prof. Inge Kalan Lipar, senior. lect. Petra Kocjancic
  • Photo Credit
    Demetra Jarc, Katja Kobal, Eva Šintler, Pija Velkovrh, Nina Vidmajer, Žiga Flajnik
  • School
    Faculty of Design
  • Location
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Project Date
    Conceptual project
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Our project covers the area of Kardeljeva ploscad in Ljubljana, where there are several faculties, student dormitories, high schools and other public buildings, which make this area very popular. In addition to the institutions, there is a non-functional and untidy playground, which has become our main subject of consideration. We wanted to change the currently dilapidated playground in favor of users. The goal of this project is to attract people, to combine recreation, relaxation and aesthetic experience that will be intended for all generations.