Sparrow - AP

  • Prize
    Winner in Other Lights
  • Designer
    Arash Pourdana
  • School
    University Azad Tonekabon

In today's modern life, we tried to be able to establish an element of nature in the internal/indoor design which both is lampshade and observed in form of statue while being in a silent and quiet state. For this reason, we could picture the calmness of the sparrow on the cane and reed fields considering the sparrow design paintings in nature. The body of the sparrow has been made of recycled plastic and the origami technique was applied.

Bachelor of Architecture
I have been working in the field of interior decoration for 15 years and I design products along with it

Other prizes
Sit award 2021 Feeel priz canada 2021 IDA awars 2022 USA Kioskida 2022