
  • Prize
    Winner in Public park & Public area furniture
  • Designer
    CHONG Nga Ching, IP Cheuk Yan, LEUNG Hoi Laam, TANG Chi Tat
  • Other Credit
    Sino Group
  • School
    Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Location
    Hong Kong
  • Project Date
    14 Oct 2022
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

FootsDog aims to present a high degree of togetherness in the Wai Chai’s community and interconnecting puppy and human. This project includes a social engagement phrase.

Residents nearby used to walk their pets along Lee Tung Avenue. They love animals and always start a conversation about pets with us easily during the engagement. Therefore, this becomes the key factor of building up connections. By understanding the relationship between public seats and users, we realise the inconvenience and problems of the public facility brought by the pet park. We come with a design that is flexible enough which enhances interactions among pets, owners and neighbourhoods.

We hope to achieve a pet-friendly community. The prototype initiated with 3 small seating components. Then we used those 3 components to assemble a larger seating by using different methodologies such as stacking, juxtaposing etc. Furthermore, we used local recycled acacia confusa for the final production which is placed along Lee Tung Avenue right now.