Table + Chair Set

  • Prize
    Winner in Other Children Furniture
  • Company/Firm
    Wooden Story
  • Designer
    Patrycja Badura
  • Photo Credit
    Patrycja Badura
  • Location
  • Project Date
    August 2021
  • Web URL

The main idea behind the set concept was to keep it ready to use by every child, without the necessity of manually adjusting it to the needs of children with disabilities. It will make kids feel equal, resourceful and independent. A circle based countertops allow children to use the table in comfort, from all sides. Rounded edges and a reduced number of sharp elements make the play safe.
So that the play is possible, a special space for toys and drawing materials is needed. These items are supposed to be kept in colourful, fabric sacks, placed below the table, witch various colours allow for personalization. The dimensions of single elements let us combine them differently. If it is needed, the double table tops can be transformed into two single tables, just by adding two table legs. This also allows us to adapt the table to home conditions, private spaces and the needs of a specific user.
The form of the chair follows the design of the table. Its rounded backrest refers to the oval shape of the table, and the upholstered seat cor­responds to fabric pouches. All material proposed in the project, both the chair and the table, are renewable and recycla­ble.