Kitchoo K9

  • Prize
    Winner in Smart Furniture : Technology integration or Smart Usage
  • Company/Firm
    Kitchoo (Suisse) Sa
  • Designer
    Peter Locker & Kitchoo Team
  • Location
  • Project Date
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Kitchoo K9 is first and foremost a tiny and minimalist kitchen with a sober and iconic design. At Kitchoo, good design is minimalist and needs to focus on the essentials. Simply less, but better. However, innovation must be immediately visible. In practice, our goal has always been to optimize the functionality of our compact kitchen Kitchoo K9 while improving the comfort of use. Simple and yet ingenious, it's also a bit of Kitchoo's philosophy. It is for this reason also that Kitchoo tiny kitchen will never be a kitchenette. More pleasure, more comfort but in less space, maybe that simply reflects the K9 small kitchen.

Compact, ingenious and simply Swiss.
Designed like no other kitchen, Kitchoo since 1998.

Other prizes
Red Dot Design Award - Observeur du Design - ArchiProduct Design Award