EV20 Station

  • Prize
    Winner in City public area furniture
  • Company/Firm
  • Designer
    Eleftherios Piskitzis
  • Location
  • Project Date

The E.V. Station is an eco frienly, urban ,contemporary electric vehicle station for the new age of electric powered vehicles, bikes and etc.
Is not only a spot of charging the vehicle but an alternative way to interact with other users and with the environment, too. A unique EV charging experience takes place in this facility, with free wifi for the users, free wireless charging of mobiles phones, tablets and a modern shelter protect the user. Eco friendly and sustainable design, use of renewable energy for the operation of the EV station and re use of rainwater for planting purposes. Also an unique way for retailers and agencies for advertising. Environmental benefits are : Less polution, less CO2, less environmental impact. Car Owners : Charge and park easily, lower cost of car use, Community : Less noise, Better cities, revenues for ad hosting, gathering place.