AI Table

  • Prize
    Winner in Table
  • Company/Firm
    AirLab SUTD
  • Designer
    Carlos Bañon, Felix Raspall
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Jonathan Ng, Muhd Syahid, Natalie Chen
  • Other Credit
    Luxx Newhouse
  • Location
  • Project Date

With the aim to reduce material usage an optimize performance, we used Artificial Intelligence algorithms and advanced 3D Printing techniques to conceive the AI Table.

Driven by computational algorithms, the resulting aesthetics take geometric complexity and ornament to a whole next level. The heavy surface is supported by a very thin steel structure, intended to enhance a weightlessness effect. The load flows into the three slender legs, each touching the ground on a point the size of a five cents coin.

Using exact 3D Printed molds, the different bronze legs were cast and manually polished, creating sophisticated effects of nuanced reflections under changing light conditions. The underneath of the table is finished in bronze to multiply its effects.

This ambitious concept's execution required a meticulous structural design to achieve a simple and elegant appearance with high performance. Using structural analysis software, the table went through multiple iterations, converging in a design that achieves adequate strength with minimum material. AI Table showcases how such computational modeling can be used as design tool to simultaneously foster creativity and pragmatism.