
  • Prize
    Winner in Decorative Accent Lamp
  • Company/Firm
  • Designer
    Iannello Steve, Rosina Julien

Slash is a stainless steel origami lamp playing on the contrast between this cold and hard material and the symbolic delicacy of a lamp.

It showcases the beautiful possibilities of advanced metalworking techniques, folding such a complex object into shape almost as if it was made of paper. Sheet metal allows for an accessible and durable product with an iconic look.

The edge cutouts allow for an easier folding process, but they also cast a diffuse pattern of light and shadows, creating a warm and decorative atmosphere in the room.

Durable and strong, the foot and the lampshade are traditionally assembled by the bulb socket, which means that the lamp can be entirely dismantled so that each element, including the electric cable and socket, can be repaired, replaced or recycled separately.

While Slash is a small table lamp, Mother Slash is a scaled up floor lamp version that is 1,10 meter tall.

Steve Iannello is co-director of Youkaïdi, a design studio from Lausanne, Switzerland, that he co-founded with Julien Rosina in 2009.
He graduated in Woodworking in 2005, and in Industrial and Product Design at the Athenaeum Europe school in 2009.
Steve has been conducting workshops, projet expertises and seminars in various schools, and he has been teaching industrial, furniture and interior design at the Swiss Design Center since 2016.

Other prizes
EESC Design Eleven INVENT! European Product Design Award