
  • Prize
    Winner in Lounge chair
  • Designer
  • Other Credit
    Star furniture pte ltd
  • Photo Credit
    Jay Jay
  • School
    Singapore Polytechnic
  • Location
  • Project Date

Aria is a flexible lounge chair designed to allow consumers to easily slide out the sitting platform. 18mm plywood veneer sitting platform can be replaced with cushion. It comes in 2 different cushion shape and size.

Problem: In my daily observation, the tradition mode of constructing a chair encourages a buy and throw mentality. This method uses bolts and screws to secure leg frame onto the cushion on the vertical axis. However, when the cushion is damaged, consumers started to dispose the whole chair because they do not have the knowledge to repair it.

Aria is a tube chair that provides the affordance to slot in the cushion easily, from the back of the chair. The tongues and grove method is then used to attach the seating platform, thus allowing a greater freedom in changing the back rest and the seater cushion.

Construction method uses a 90 degrees steel pipe welding to connect the 3 pipes together. The design profile can also be shaped either with square or circle pipe. The finishes comes in the red lacquer or the steel black powder coated finish.

Dimension : Dimension : 650mm X 640mm X 600 mm