Camper Store Málaga

  • Prize
    Winner in Retails Design
  • Company/Firm
    Oficina Penadés
  • Designer
    Jorge Penadés
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Javier Martín, Antonio Borlado, Darío Giménez
  • Other Credit
    Client: Camper
  • Location
    Málaga, Spain
  • Project Date

The first meeting Jorge had with the Camper team was in a warehouse in Binissalem, a small village in the center of Mallorca. Mainly used as a storage space for old Camper shops that have been refurbished and updated, it also works as a sort of archive with custom-made pieces from Michele De Lucchi, Gaetano Pesce, Ingo Maurer, the Bouroullec brothers or Konstantin Grcic.

Immediately after entering Jorge felt absolutely drawn to this place and proposed a risky idea: “What if I use this space as a temporary factory and I self-produce the entire shop from here?” Together with his team, Jorge moved to Mallorca in the summer of 2019.

Using just 3 basic elements – perforated metal profiles, corner plates and bolts/nuts, plus some reclaimed wood from old Camper furniture – Jorge designed and fabricated all the necessary elements for the store: from product display shelves and tables to different seating units, lighting, checkout counter, brand logos and as a bonus: a typography.

As part of the Camper Together project, this is the first time in the history of the company that someone was allowed to design and fabricate an entire shop with their own hands.