• Prize
    Winner in Office table
  • Designer
    Sarah Rosenthal, Robert Krikac, Shannon Spilker
  • Photo Credit
    Sarah Rosenthal, Robert Krikac
  • School
    Washington State University
  • Location
    Pullman, Washington
  • Project Date

With its unique radial form the SPLATT table facilitates non-hierarchical group learning and collaborative interactions at various scales. Using their greatest asset: a diversity of knowledge and experience, an interdisciplinary group of students and faculty from interior design, accounting and communications, and animal sciences at Washington State University designed and developed this product over the past four years.

Through the construction of 6 full-scale prototypes and a series of controlled focus groups, a radial arrangement of petals and pockets emerged that allows users to customize their position and involvement at the table. Visual access to every user is achieved simply by rotating in one’s chair. The table can be used by a group of 10 or by multiple smaller groups simultaneously. The size and shape allows users enough space for a laptop and accessories or provides educators enough space for classroom learning tools. The leg arrangement meets ADA requirements and allows all users ease of movement. Social distancing is achieved at half capacity and the non-hierarchical layout solves the problem of social awkwardness in public spaces, especially post-COVID.