Tokyo Pachinko Hall(Gaming) Furniture

  • Prize
    Winner in Commercial Design
  • Company/Firm
    NRC architecture&design Office
  • Designer
    Hajime Tsuruta
  • Location
  • Project Date

Pachinko halls (traditional Japanese gaming facilities) used to be a popular pastime in Japan. However, in the last few decades pachinko has fallen out of fashion, with declining revenues causing many gaming halls to shut down.The neighborhood in which our project is located was one of the few areas of the city center that survived the WWII air raids. Many of its traditional wooden houses and shops remain intact. However, in recent years the demands of modern safety standards have made redevelopment in the area necessary. This project, designed to modernize the facility, includes a residential area, a restaurant sector, and a pachinko hall. Potential buyers for residential space in the building were somewhat bewildered by the idea of sharing space with a pachinko. In order to make pachinko hall more attractive, we redesigned the area from the ground up. Our gaming furniture combines Bonsai planters and benches to bring a touch of natural beauty to the indoor environment, allowing people to play pachinko in comfort. We hope that the combination of traditional Japanese arts with retro gaming will revitalize the pachinko hall's potential as a neighborhood hangout and community center.

NRC, Tokyo architectural firm has been founded by Hajime Tsuruta in 2008.The firm has been awarded many prizes not only in Japan, but also other countries due to its unique architecture and design. NRC is inspired and embraced by clients from all over the world and looking for partnerships with both companies and individuals with which NRC can share creative and innovative ideas - small to large, residential to commercial projects, and everything in between.

Other prizes
?Matsuyama City Landscape Award (JPN) ?[Excellent project award] by IG kougyou(JPN)?Excellence in designing house supported by the Japanese government(JPN)?JCD design award(JPN)?American architecture Prize(USA)?JERCO Renovation Award(JPN)?The Architecture Master Prize(USA)?International Design Awards(USA/Bronze Medal)?Asia Design Prize(KOR), Outstanding property Award LONDON, A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION(ITA)