RELAXATION PAVILION - Gradascica Gardens

  • Prize
    Winner in Public Space Design
  • Designer
    Neja Vicic, Julia Salmerón, Mar Martinell
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Menthors: red. prof. Nada Maticic, prof. dr. Dragan Calovic, Tjasa Caks, m.i.a.
  • School
    Faculty of Design
  • Location
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Project Date
    conceptual design

The Pavilion is located in the Gradascica park. Our goal is to create a safe space for a comunity, where it’s focus remains on every aspect of nature, admiring, creating and taking care of it. Taking care of plants is an activity that gives more meaning to the lives of those who do it,creates a community and helps reduce the risk of depression, stress and anxiety.

The pavilion is made up of two rest areas: the exterior, made hill, giving rise to an elevated area where you can enjoy the landscape. The concrete walls on the interior will have hollowed circles where the various species will be planted, creating a vertical garden. Inside, the rest area will be integrated into the walls of the pavilion, being a continuous welcoming using materials such as wood.