Geometric Bed

  • Prize
    Winner in Bed
  • Company/Firm
    Wow Atelier
  • Designer
    Greg Walker
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Brendan Mullins
  • Other Credit
    Chimso Onwuegbu, John Burdick, Matthew Horrick, JP Tommage, Kevin Lucey
  • Photo Credit
    Gregory Walker and Kevin Lucey
  • Location
    Park City, Utah
  • Project Date
    June 2022
  • Client

There are no interesting designers, only interesting clients! And, a deep love affair with Stanley Kubrick's horror film “The Shining,” generated palettes of highly contextual colors, tones, textures, hardware, and patternation to ultimately evoke the film’s literal and spiritual essence. Of the many furnishings fabricated for the client's home, the Geometric Bed exemplifies the subtlety of inspiration without replication. Inspired by the dark wood tones permeating throughout the corridors (wainscotting and trim) and the gold room (bar), the solid hardwood mahogany bed becomes the rich base that emboldens the hand-inlaid brass articulation. Inspired by the iconic carpet patternation depicted during Danny’s first unnerving encounter, the CNC’d headboard’s hexagonal pattern is formed with brass inlay and disguises the wood's nominal seams. The brass hardware resurfaces as both horizontal and vertical surfaces and is similar to the hardware found in Room 237. As a matter of function, the headboard doubles as an elegant dual-facing bookshelf, and the low-profile bed extends beyond the mattress to create a bench and a pair of matching nightstands.