ATTIC pendant lamp

  • Prize
    Winner in Pendant Lighting
  • Company/Firm
    Hyeonil Jeong
  • Designer
    Hyeonil Jeong
  • Location
    New Jersey, USA
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

ATTIC is a pendant lamp concept designed for contemporary dining spaces. The design originates from the small yet heartwarming atmosphere of the under-the-roof room, which generally reminds people of a handful of good memories.
To infuse the unique feeling of the attic space into a lighting product design, I used the architectural wood frame made by the traditional joinery technique. Its straightforward structure hints at the exposed wood beam rafter system, which is used widely in conventional house buildings. And the simple metal shade design, similar to the gabled roof in form and proportion, adds a touch of contemporary design aesthetic to the space it is displayed within. The combination of warm natural wood and chic powder coat finished metal gives a clean and modern aesthetic with an inviting vibe at the same time.
ATTIC's slim and straight figure and meticulously curved surface detail achieve a minimal yet friendly look that goes well with contemporary interior design. Its two-faced characteristic will be a good design accent above a dining table.

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