Shimmer Room Divider

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Furniture Design
  • Company/Firm
    Bolaji Teniola
  • Designer
    Bolaji Teniola
  • Other Credit
    Ron Ellazam
  • Photo Credit
    Bolaji Teniola
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia

Light, texture and play were the key elements that inspired the conception of the Shimmer Room Divider. Taking materials usually hidden or minimised within a space, the Shimmer Room Divider aims to bring these to the forefront allowing for an intriguing juxtaposition with the perception of the room divider altered via angle and refraction of light.

The Shimmer Room Divider, designed for the commercial office and home office space, offers a rethink on sharing communal indoor areas, considering the world's current climate. Standing at 1900mm tall and 1200mm wide, The Shimmer Room Divider comprises welded kerf bent steel tubes clad with dichroic film and tyvek paper. The Shimmer Room Divider provides a high level of privacy while maintaining connectedness via the transparency of the dichroic film and textural opaqueness of the Tyvek material.

Bolaji Teniola is a Naarm (Melbourne) based interdisciplinary designer with experience gained in the Netherlands and Indonesia. As a qualified furniture designer and industrial designer from RMIT University, Bolaji aims to traverse various mediums, exploring materials and processes in search of pragmatic solutions that place equal importance on functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Other prizes
Bolaji's works have garnered industry attention, gaining him several awards and commendations. These include; the 2021 Design Institute of Australia (DIA) state and the national Graduate Of The Year Award (GOTYA) for furniture design; Finalist of the Fresh! Craft Victoria Award, 2021; Finalist of the VIVID Emerging Designer Awards, 2021; and a commendation for best in furniture for Design Fringe, 2021. His X1 Stool was shortlisted for the Melbourne MPavilion Chair Design Competition 2021. In addition, Bolaji's works have been exhibited or showcased in; Fresh! at Craft Victoria, 2021; VIVID Emerging Designer Awards 2021; Design Fringe, 2021; Fringe Furniture 34, 2020; and Dutch Design Week (DDW), 2017.