ON·BIN Dining Chair

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Furniture Design
  • Designer
    Tomoki Nomura
  • Other Credit
    Andrew Boyles (video)
  • School
    ArtCenter College of Design
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

on·bin is a dining chair that elevates the experience of sharing a meal. The goal was to create a hand-crafted chair that evokes the feeling of calmness through flowing, controlled curves. The sitting experience is designed around how a patron would interact with the chair in the intimate atmosphere of a fine dining restaurant.

My name is Tomoki Nomura.

As a furniture designer, I strive to create honest designs that emphasize quality and refinement. My goal with all of my designs is to add genuine value to my clients’ lives. In addition, everyone involved in my design/production process makes a livable wage and has a good work-life balance.

Thank you for taking a look!