Nautilus Medical Clinic

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
  • Designer
    Abbas Sufi Nejad
  • Location
  • Project Date
  • Web URL

The design of the interior spaces is inspired by fluid forms of running water(river). Which are completely seen in all forms and monuments designed in all the spaces in the clinic. They bring peace and calm to the people in the clinic since the water is peaceful and calm in nature.
It has been designed in a minimal and modern style and furniture is based on human ergonomics. All of the objects like the reception desk and Dr's desk have been designed by this idea. It makes a positive connection between humans and nature by its design.
This project is designed to encourage the sense of thinking, reasoning, and not simply disregard the events and the world around. It makes the person calm and peaceful before they go for surgery. With neutral spaces by using the list colors and materials, it has been tried to provide a peaceful ambiance for the patients and make them mentally ready for the surgery.

Other prizes
A'Design Award, European Product Design Awards, IDA, LICC