Torq Table

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Furniture Design
  • Company/Firm
    Todd Woodesign
  • Designer
    Jim Todd
  • Photo Credit
    Jim Todd
  • Location
    Damascus Ontario Canada
  • Project Date
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Torq Table was a concept born in March 2020, when the world was told to stop what it was doing and stay still. The continuous news cycle showed a menacing spinning orb with spikes.
The design came to life as a symbol of defiance of restrictions. Not a defiance of public health, but a defiance of anything that would get in the way of creativity and moving forward.
Torq Table represents our need to accept a new risk and move forward with it as it spins. As it evolves, we must evolve.
The base of the table is efficient and sturdy. It is balanced and each leg depends on the last one and the next one to complete its form and character. It depends on this unity.
Like the base, the top is composed of 3 interconnected parts that also have their own different characters. An inert white lacquered section (hard maple), a black lacquered section with masked prominent grain (white ash) and a clear lacquered natural section (white ash, maple, cherry or walnut) as a refreshing juxtaposition. It’s no coincidence that the slightly menacing offset corners reach out as the design rotates.
Around and around it goes, and even with our differences, we will manage and move forward in unity.

Since 1990, Jim Todd has been creating distinct furniture pieces and living accessories for private and corporate clients, mostly in Canada.
Materials are carefully chosen domestic and exotic woods, often with accents of coloured lacquer or metal.
Inspiration comes from the timeless designs of the past, the unfolding trends of now and an imagination for tomorrow.
Designs are intentional and articulate, with studied proportions.
Jim Todd is alive today, making furniture pieces for tomorrow.

Other prizes
Ontario Arts Council, Crafts Grants - 1992,1994,1995