"SAHM" Tool-less Three Piece Chair

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Furniture Design
  • Company/Firm
    Jay Stoughtenger
  • Designer
    Jay Stoughtenger
  • Location
  • Project Date

Sahm is constructed of three machine-cut pieces of wood. The idea was to design a chair which would be both rational sustainable and expressive. Construction and design or engineering and aesthetic, are equated with a minimum of visible creative effort, so that it is designed by an impression of simplicity even though the system behind it is highly complex. The various parts are connected in such a way that the overall construction appears self-contained. However, to ensure that no clearly delineated space is created, the elements are locked into each other with simple joints. Each part slips beyond the particulate configuration to which it belongs. The complexity of the construction is matched by its engineering principles. The seat and keel are of similar dimensions so when stacking vertically they equal the back in height. Each chair is cut from a single sheet of plywood. The chair has dovetail joinery where the seat meets the keel with a slip joint where the back engages the seat and keel. The chair is designed for easy shipping and assemblage.

Sahm is constructed of three machine-cut pieces of wood. The idea was to design a chair which would be both rational sustainable and expressive. Construction and design or engineering and aesthetic, are equated with a minimum of visible creative effort, so that it is defined by an impression of simplicity even though the system behind it is highly complex. The various parts are connected in such a way that the overall construction appears self-contained. However, to ensure that no clearly delineated space is created, the elements are locked into each other with simple joints.

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