Final Deadline Alert: March 3rd!



  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design
  • Company/Firm
    Twins Studio
  • Designer
    Mihai Popescu
  • Photo Credit
    Alex Ionita
  • Location
    Bucharest, Romania
  • Project Date
  • Client
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Sethe – a jewelry store, aiming to be a jewel itself, amidst the surrounding conventional lines of a shopping center.

We created a circular space within the confines of a rectangular one, starting from a rounded self-sufficient structure - the backbone of the entire project. It all emerged as a metaphor for the intricate gears of a tourbillon watch, so every joint is mechanical, meticulously assembled on-site, with details deliberately left exposed for the eye to see.

The interior is made of utmost quality materials such as terrazzo, aged brass, rustic oak, and solid black-painted wood, in order to blur the lines between the opulence of luxury diamonds and the concept of a pop-up design.

The buildup began with the monochromatic terrazzo floor - a mosaic of black and white inspired by the timeless elegance of Italy in the 60’s and ended with a touch of authenticity given by 120 hand-blown glass bells suspended above. Made of recovered remnants from other projects, these bells were initially designed to overlay the jewelry on the shelves.

Sethe is a disruptive surprise, a pop-up gem not only showcasing jewelry but also standing for itself as a precious piece of interior design.