Cloud 9

  • Prize
    Winner in Designer & Custom Lighting
  • Company/Firm
    Jan Flook Lighting Pty
  • Designer
    Jan Flook
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Carr Architects, H2O
  • Other Credit
    ADP Services, H2O Designs, Maben Construction
  • Photo Credit
    Colin Page Photography
  • Location
    Highpoint Shopping Centre, 120-200 Rosamond Road Maribyrnong VIC 3032, Australia
  • Project Date
  • Client
    GPT / Westfield Group
  • Web URL

"Cloud 9"
(A feeling of extreme happiness or euphoria)
Cloud 9 is sculptural lighting and Water installation in Highpoint Shopping Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
The installation is a visually stunning, refined and poetic piece. An expanse of anodised rods form an undulating cloud, surrounding a cascading water feature. The observer experiences a dappled light filtered through the moire of suspended rods like the freshness of a rain cloud after a downpour. Perhaps the installation’s best measure of success are the intrigued shoppers, phones in hand, getting photos for their socials.
The installation covers 158 square meters of ceiling space. A modular cassette grid system provides suspension points for the rods.The rods feature an integrated clip to affix the cassette, which also allows access to the ceiling void behind if required. A lot of Cloud 9’s success can be attributed to what is not seen, the unsightly but necessary engineering building services hidden behind the elegant facade.
A few interesting figures:
> 26,000 individual tubes
> 6.5 tonnes of aluminium
> 158 sqm of ceiling coverage
> Completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule