• Prize
    Winner in Coffee Table
  • Company/Firm
    At Design Studio
  • Designer
    Amirhossein Tabrizi
  • Photo Credit
    Arash Dadmand
  • Location
    Tehran, Iran
  • Project Date
  • Web URL

We believe that a coffee table is an object more than prevalent samples with one flat surface in a specific height, which dictate their function to the users. A table should respond to its consumers positions, if they want to stand, sit or lean. KARA tries to be compatible with its user’s needs to the best extend. It provides surfaces for putting different objects, stands for books and magazines and even spots to lean legs on.
KARA’s material are concrete and metal, which folded metal sheets form its main body and the movable concrete pieces balance the table weight. We have chosen raw materials for natural and organic look of
the design. Moreover, we add alum coating on metal sheets to oxide gradually during years and generate orange patterns on the table’s body while living as a furniture at users’ place.

AT Design Studio is an experiential design firm that provides interior design, product design, architectural and engineering services. The AT has been involved in many residential, commercial, cultural and industrial projects.
Our office was founded by Amirhossein Tabrizi in 2009. He is a practicing architect since 2002 and he got his master’s of Restoration & Rehabilitation of Historical Monument from cultural Heritage Education Center University.
In the design process, AT Design Studio tries to find the best practical solutions adaptable to the constant evolution of contemporary life.

Other prizes
First Prize Winner, Memar Award 2012 Architect of The Year , Architect Great Competition Awards Highly Commended 2018 First Prize Winner , Third Architecture Facade Award 2012 Magazine and 2A Emirate, 2012 and 2014 Third Prize Winner , 7th Interior Architecture competition Architecture and Building Elected in Venice Biennial 2015 Second Prize Winner , Mizane Memari Awards 2022